Tuesday 24 March 2009

How sad for the gossips..shah rukh and I are still family!!!

I know I had told you that I will not be writing my blog as I am busy but its was the need of the hour and I also had to put certain plain facts into perspective. Today some scum bag decided that my fifteen year old friendship with Shah Rukh Khan was over. And he decided to use his platform to express it. I have only this platform as I no longer make money writing about people. So here I am in blog world putting all my loved ones at peace that nothing that psychotic article said was true...and everything else that they cook up to burn their embers in their kitchen (just how do they manage to digest the food) was pure fiction.

I could have refrained for reacting but another reason to pull me to put my thoughts to words was all my “loved ones” reaction to this article…They sounded hurt, they sounded angry, they wanted me to do things that one does not really do in a civilized society. So here I am, doing what sane people should be doing, "clearing the dirty air diseased ones have polluted".

I had read the article published in the tabloid, and after the initial burst of amusement, and resignation, (one does have to pay the price of fame and all that), I was aware of an increasing irritation. I went, "oh please! come on," at some places at the hackneyed phrases -- first we have drifted apart, then we have fallen out, things are not the same between us. I used to be a journalist myself, and it irritates me no end when I see unimaginative writing. The only places where imagination was applied was of course the supposed reason why the friendship had broken up.I know its too much to ask of a yellow journalist to get real, (which would make them a paper with no stories then!) but atleast make it seem plausible, will ya? In my times, a favourite phrase of journalists without credited sources, was -- 'a little birdie told us'. I liked that, it had a sublime sense of the ridiculous. But this business of a source 'close' to Red Chillies Entertainment... a source close to an organisation? Like what the watchman? Or the chai wallah? And a source in Bollywood! Whew! That really narrows it down. The journalist rushes to reassure us, by affixing the adjective, Reliable...Phew!!! The mind boggles!Coming to the supposed bone of contention, it irked me no end to read that Shah Rukh had parted ways with me because of Billu. That's demeaning and derisive to Shah Rukh, as a person and as a professional. I hate it when my friends are attacked. That's something I will not tolerate. The article has quoted me that I have always said that Shah Rukh was a blessing. And he is. He is a tremendously gifted individual, and is a terrific friend, and a highly compassionate human being. Its absurd even to hint that he would break a friendship just because of the non-perfomance of a project. And that brings to the accusation that the film was a 'disappointment'. Our yellow-eyed one has played it safe here. He could have said the film was a flop at the box-office, but the figures would have proven him wrong. He could said that the critics blasted the film, but the critical acclaim that Shah Rukh got, which printed in the papers would have proven him wrong. So he goes in for the word 'disappointment'. I was enraged, I wanted to call the stuff as it is, the undiluted crap it is, the sheer piece of muck it is. I could sue the yellow eyed one, but in this Recession Times, where the poor chaps of the paper are not even getting their conveyance allowance, I don't want this misguided journalist to lose his job. What helped were the four words that echoed through the mails and the calls from my friends and readers -- 'We don't believe this'. My friends, my readers across the globe send me these four words that soothed my hurt. They sent this because they see Shah Rukh, as I see him. They have taken the slur on his character as personally as I had and so they had sent me this message, they don't believe it. I realised that the love and affection people had for Shah Rukh was not to be affected by poisonous words of the yellow eyed creatures. These friends of mine, from across the world, know what friendship is, they know what it means to be friends, they know the gift of it, the blessing it is.Which this poor thing from the so-called newspaper doesn't.

I pray to Allah that he gets his peace after this piece... and when i am in the prayer mode let me wish some thing he knows nothing about: friends!!!


Ayesha said...

Two things:

A) Billu was such a sweet movie. I loved it though I've become really picky (in terms of movies) with time.

B) Believe me that was such a lame rumor and I am glad to hear your side of story.

You & SRK rock! Keep making good movies :-)


Reggiana said...

Well done, it's high time that sad individual was cut down to size. There's one thing I disagree with you on, however; he does not deserve being called a journalist, yellow or any other shade. His constant venom -spewing has nothing to do with journalism and everything with malice and ill-intent. Ideally he shouldn't have access to any platform; let him eat his (bad) words or, better still, starve!

shereen said...

actually hats off to you man. we know that's a bulshit. but when general people hear the same thing again and again, they start to belive this kind of nonsense. that bogus site and writer(so called journo) has no life. he proves in every week, he has no life beyond SRK and has no sentences beyond srk-bashing. but i truly admire your faithful attemps to strike over bogus site who has nothing to do. still i am hoping some one will sue this site soon, because if this paper is based on another country rather than india, he is already in a jail to spreading unbeliveble nonsense.

sue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sue said...

You've got my full support, Mushtaq!! Keep on rockin' & writin'! I love the work you did 4 OSO and the SRK-book!!! Fantastic!
All my best 4 you and your friend Shah Rukh!


Vishesh Agrawal said...

Hey, I did not know you had a blog. Will keep following it from now on. I have it too :-)

Well, Call it by any colour, but these sort of cheap journalism sucks and irritates the hell out of me. All said and done, these ridiculous news does not change an iota of things for me about you or Mr. SRK.

Ingrid said...

Dear Mushtaq,
thank you so much for your statement. Very well said. I never believed that this rubbish would be true!!
It is really sad that those people write again and again such nonsense.
If they have nothing else to write so they believe in: Only SRK and Sex sales. They don´t care if something is true or not. This is really sad.
I believe in true friendship and I am very sure that nothing can come between you and Shahrukh!

I like Billu very much. It is a fantastic film!! Keep on making things together.
Your work is fantastic!

All the best to both of you.
We will stay behind you!

Kerstin said...

Mushtaq, I was 200% sure that this "article" about you and Shah Rukh was simply nonsens and I agree with you that this "journo" doesn't know what real friendship means.

You have my full support. Thanks for clearing this.

God bless you!

Gabriele said...

I never believed this for even one second but it is nice to read the confirmation from you, Mushtaq.

Thank you very much and keep up the splendid work!!

Lot of love from Spain,

pellmelody said...

Oh thank heavens. I read all that yesterday and got angry, then concerned. I am SO glad you cleared the air on this. I'm so tired of all the recent SRK bashing and for "journalists" to start attacking SRK's friends (even family?) shows me that these "yellow dog journalists" are getting desperate for things to report on.

Billu was a wonderful movie. Everyone involved with it did a fantastic job. All the best to you, Mushtaq. I really admire your work.


Admin said...

How nice of you Mr Mushtaq Sheikh to take the time and clear up this unworthy article.
Has this author found the summerhole already? I dont thing anybody in his ride mind will believe him. Well, he must be a person with never experienced friendship and does not know Mr Shah Rukh Khan or you very well.
Ýou are doing a grand job with your books and all the other work you do. Your personl and private friendship is you bussiness with Mr Shah Rukh Khan and I hope it will be blessed for the rest of both of your lifes.

Kind regards.

Lotta said...

Mushtaq, you rock! And so does your friendship - may it continue to shine!
Not that I believed a single word of that crappy stuff! What's more, it was so embarrassingly lame and straightforward stupid.
Every individual with all five senses properly in place can spot that no single word of that "thing" is credible, adults just don't(hey, not even kids) react in the way the scribbler suggests.
So what remains is a weak attempt to fill newspaper space with zero content and still feed on the good name of SRK.
So I agree with Reggiana. Let's call him parasite instead. What say?

SunShine said...

Congrats to your open words. I really had to grin about your sentence with the so called sources. "little birdie", close to.. ;-)
That´s so true!!!!
Just because it´s SRK, they try everything.
Keep on with your fantastic work and be sure, true friends will always know what the truth is.

Unknown said...

Mushtaq bhai thanks for sharing your thoughts on the blog, I wish you and SRK bhai should be friends for ever,
I like SRK a lot..

I will do refer backlink your blog from my websites.

Unknown said...

I just wanted to asure you that, I never believed this rumour.
Billu is such a beautiful movie and the dialogues are great.

Victoria said...

Billu magnificent light pure film about the most simple but such important feeling for each person as friendship. The true friend which will be a number even in the heaviest situations which will be pleased to your successes and to support теюбя in all invaluable treasure. Who of it does not understand destiny of those to write of clause in yellow newspapers. Mushtaq all who love the Shah and its friends never will believe to that is written in this clause. They judge it on themselves. They as blind and never can see what surprising person Shakhrukkh and what at it a light soul.
I am sorry for mistakes I know English very badly! God bless you, Shahrukh and your families!
From Russia with love.

Bijal said...

I am so glad that you came out and cleared the air, atleast for SRK fans becuase there is lot of negativity around SRK lately that we just want his friends to stay by his side. He is such a caring and loving person that he would not mis-treat his friends or family but media just want to sell their stories or increase their TRPs by using SRK's name as he the only BW star who is most popular across the world!! God bless him and his family/friends. Thanks Mustaq for standing by your friend and writing your sentimates on your blog. We SRK fans appreciate it.

Meike said...

Thank you so much for your statement!! Good words and soooo true!!!I never believe this nonsens and I am 100% behind you!!

I really love Billu!!
Go on with your fantastic work.....!!

All the best for you !!

naina said...

First of all: I´ve never believed one single word of this article! But it was very nice of you to post your comment in your blog. I hope, many, many people will read it and they will stop to believe everything, they read in the YP.

Lots of love from Austria

flash said...

Every day is so wonderful
And suddenly it's hard to breathe
Now and then I get insecure
From all the pain, feel so ashamed

I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring me down, oh no
So don't you bring me down today
(Lyrics from the song "Beautiful" sung by Christina Aguillera)
Dear Mustaq just want to tell you please keep up your good work, enjoy your life and your wonderful friendship with Sharukh Khan because nothing can bring this down, not even infamous articles on baseless rumours written by such brainless journos. Wish you all the best!

Unknown said...

Mushtaq be assured that every straight thinking person in this universe knows that this scum of a so called journalist is using yours and Shah Rukh's name only to bathe in your success.

I'm glad you spoke your mind as so many others don't and just endure this unnecessary rubbish that has become a nuisance of the daily news.

I never thought for one second that any of this article was true and I know the universe is fair and will support you as I do ;-)

keep up your great work

God bless you

Gabriele from Germany

Unknown said...

Dear Mushtaq! Thank you so much for you great and so true words. I never ever believed for a single second that one word of this article is true but it is a great thing what you did here!

All the best for you and lots of love,

Gamina said...

Thank you so much for your comments on this crap that caused so much pain for you and your family and friends. I never believed this bull***, but it is so sad to see how this so-called journo is able to hurt and disturb so many people.
Please keep on working and gracing us with so beautiful works as Billu, OSO or my beloved brickstone - Still Reading Khan.
Take care and a the best to your family and friends.

Unknown said...

Very true words!
Thank you so much to write them down.
I really loved to read your side of the story. And I never believed that rubbish of the other person who calls himself a journalist.

Feelicia said...

Congratulations and a big thank you for your clear statement Mushtaq! Like many others I personally never believed a single word of that rubbish, but it’s irritating and also hurting to be forced to watch when someone close to your heart gets attacked on such a personal level. Be assured I’m standing behind you, combat-ready to back you up at any time :)
Those guys are so desperate - that's the only excuse or explanation I can think of - at least they should make the effort and try to be entertaining and a bit more imaginative when creating those tales!
Watching ‘Billu’ and most importantly understanding it could’ve helped that poor chap to learn one or two things about friendship – well ok that would require a certain level of intellect which might be missing there ;)
‘Billu’ is another beautiful example of how Shah Rukh and you rock together! Keep on rocking like this with your work and friendship - may it be blessed with loads of creativity, love and loyalty forever.
God bless you!

andrea said...

thank you so much for your statement.i never have spent one thought that that gossip can be true. i hope and wish, your friendship will hold your both lifetime and you have a wonderfull time working together in whatever things you do. keep on doing. we will love your work.

srkfan4life said...

I am glad that you did this because this would have gone on and on. Thank You.
The day I had read the silly article, I was like OH PLEASEEEE, here goes another so call article. I wasn't going to buy what that article was saying for one second because all it give was SILLY reason. Plus, i don't believe anything until Shahrukh say it in an interview etc so...
You Rock, Shah Rukh ROCK
All the best to you and our KING.
god bless

Tuesday said...

Re Stupid Article in newspaper

Big hello. I didn't read the article and if I had I would read it as I read everything about show biz -with a pinch of salt. I really think that it is often the journalists who have ego problems not hard working actors and writers like yourselves! I'm glad you have made your point - let others dish the dirt, you and Shah Rukh serve beauty and I believe in all who work with a strong heart.

You really need not worry, those who love Shah Rukh are unmoved by rumour! We work in the world and know about twists and turns.

Much love to you and your friends.

Tanja said...

Thank's for taking the time to give a statement about this rubbish!
It's very sad that you have to waste your time with things like this!
I never believed this rumor!
True friendship is a very rare and precious gift and i'm absolutely shure that neither Mr Khan nor you would dash a gift like that simple because of a film/job!
But this is something this so called journalist maybe will never understand! Poor guy!

By the way, i really like Billu!
It's a very nice heartwarming film!Everybody involved in the film did a great job!

All the best for you!

Manuela said...

Thanks a lot for this statement,i never believed it because i know never in his live will Shah Rukh do this to a friend.
Billu was a very nice and interesting movie,special the last moments in the movie i loved.When Sahir Khan tell about his best friend in front of the school.
For me the movie was no flop it was A onejiiiiiii !!!!!!!!! Go on Mushtaq
BTW I got "Shah Rukh Can" i love to read this book,thanks for your fantastic work

God bless you and Shah Rukh and your friendship

Unknown said...

Well done! I'm glad you spoke out! Those loser 'journalists' need to know that they can't just write crap and expect people to stay silent.
And besides, Billu may not have been a big hit, but it was a very good movie, but sometimes even good movies don't do well (and bad ones do), it's just bad luck.
Can't wait for more movies from you and SRK!

Heba Moharram said...

Sir, I didn't believe a word of that article. Don't worry about that coz people can feel the difference between reality and lies. We know you well, we know SRK well and we won't believe this kind of sick rumors. I'm from Sandi Mann's group and she told us we can write here what we feel about the whole thing. We support you sir.

Conny said...

Dear Mushtaq,
thank you for your statement. How rude and wrong journalism can be sometimes.
I estimate you as a caring, humorously, talented and warmhearted person and I am sure your friendship has a high value for Shah Rukh. Please continue your fantastic work and leave such a writer far behind you.

Unknown said...

last week they made the legendary madhubala, late wife of kishore kumar, a legend in his own lifetime, the mistress of a mafia criminal called haji mastan, though she expired at the age of 26 with a hole in her heart.
this week you have fallen out with srk....
last year srk walked out of 'dulha mil gaya' for no apparent reason at all....
its sick....
when will it stop?

Dunja said...

Dear Mushtaq,
unfortunately, envy governs this world. I find it great that you clarifies these lies.
I love your work very much and I know which narrow friendship you have with Shahrukh.
The German fans stand behind you.
With Love Maya

Dunja said...

Dear Mushtaq,
unfortunately, envy governs this world. I find it great that you clarifies these lies.
I love your work very much and I know which narrow friendship you have with Shahrukh.
The German fans stand behind you.
With Love Maya

san didi said...

Dear Mushtaq,

I was speechless with rage when I read the trash alleging your fallout with SRK (or vice versa). I believe that Shah Rukh doesn’t make friends easily, but you have been seen by his side for many, many years, so it is highly insulting to suggest that he would end such a close tie merely over Billu allegedly being a disappointment!

Apart from the obvious fact here that even if that was true, would it be just the script writer’s fault? Personally, I called Billu a triumph! It was a beautiful, moving, different movie and I can’t believe that SRK would be disappointed with it. Success is not always measured by $$$$, and I am sure he found it fulfilling…

Shah Rukh’s fans would not for a moment believe that you and he are at odds…though non-fans may not be so sure, so thank you for addressing this issue publicly and volubly. (I loved your interview!)


Go MS, you rock!

Your friend in Australia, Sandi Mann

Nadee said...

Dear Mr.Mushtaq,

I was also enraged to read this article.. it is so utterly STUPID to say the least.. They just use SRK's name to attract attention.. that is the most famous strategy among mad journos..

And we real fans would never ever go by these stupid people's fairy tales.. we Always know that real friends like you'll will always stand together..

I always have appreciated your work, Still Reading Khan is almost always my bed time reading..
Hope your friendship with The great SRK will be forever.. ( I know It will)

I am Also from Sandi Mann's group and we all LOVE Shah Rukh Khan and his true friends like you.

and as SRK once himself said, "Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind!"

Best of luck to you.!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mushtaq

I never believed this rubbish.
I´ve read your books (Still Reading Khan and Making of OSO)
and there you can feel such a lot of respect and love for each other
between the lines.

Send you a hug from Germany.


ayten said...

Thank you so much for your statement Mushtaq! When i read the article, the first thought i had was:what a complete nonsense!This man obviously does not know much abot friendship.It was more than clear and obvious that this was written by someone to just make furore and spread gossip.It had absolutely no base , the so called journalist wrote about things which were false, for example Billu being not a hit, its known for sure that it is a hit and that people like the movie a lot!I LOVE THAT FILM......thank you so much for writing it, and please never stop....we all love the work you do!!! You ROCK !!!!!! Wishing you loads and loads of success dear Mushtaq!!!God bless you!!!!

ayten said...

Thank you so much for your statement Mushtaq! When i read the article, the first thought i had was:what a complete nonsense!This man obviously does not know much abot friendship.It was more than clear and obvious that this was written by someone to just make furore and spread gossip.It had absolutely no base , the so called journalist wrote about things which were false, for example Billu being not a hit, its known for sure that it is a hit and that people like the movie a lot!I LOVE THAT FILM......thank you so much for writing it, and please never stop....we all love the work you do!!! You ROCK !!!!!! Wishing you loads and loads of success dear Mushtaq!!!God bless you!!!!

ayten said...

Thank you so much for your statement Mushtaq! When i read the article, the first thought i had was:what a complete nonsense!This man obviously does not know much abot friendship.It was more than clear and obvious that this was written by someone to just make furore and spread gossip.It had absolutely no base , the so called journalist wrote about things which were false, for example Billu being not a hit, its known for sure that it is a hit and that people like the movie a lot!I LOVE THAT FILM......thank you so much for writing it, and please never stop....we all love the work you do!!! You ROCK !!!!!! Wishing you loads and loads of success dear Mushtaq!!!God bless you!!!!

Usha said...

Hi Mushtaq,

Usha here, from Hyderabad!!! Hope you are doing fine.

People will say what they have to say...........they have no other or better work to do than to ride on other's success. Like in this case, where they are trying to sell a few extra copies by putting Shah Rukh Khan and your name. Today it's you, tomorrow it's someone else!

People who know the truth, KNOW what is true......which is what matters!

You and Shah Rukh Khan really rock and make a great team!

Take care,

Usha said...

Hi Mushtaq,

Usha here, from Hyderabad!!! Hope you are doing fine.

People will say what they have to say...........they have no other or better work to do than to ride on other's success. Like in this case, where they are trying to sell a few extra copies by putting Shah Rukh Khan and your name. Today it's you, tomorrow it's someone else!

People who know the truth, KNOW what is true......which is what matters!

You and Shah Rukh Khan really rock and make a great team!

Take care,

Ami said...

I'm an SRK-fan and the first reaction I have towards that column was to laugh. It was ridiculous and completely fictional. The day Shah Rukh falls out with anyone, he'd be the first to announce it to the world and he'd do it in a manner that won't hurt the other person no matter how the other person has hurt him. Such is my belief in him.

I know there's a need for you to write this post coz there're idiots who actually trust tabloid rumors and you have to clear the air for Shah Rukh's sake. But to me, it's absolutely redundant as I know what I know, and if I don't ...I will just believe, and that's enough for me.

hamada said...



I have asked !

and I want you to work in a book about My Favourite Star

There is no doubt that Salman Khan, one of the biggest Stars of Bollywood

I want to know about him He deserves a lot !

I want to buy a special book of Salman Khan Please !